Dispose or else suffer

This is really cool thing I got it from my colleage …heres the link.

A few highlights from the same:

1.“If your object has a Dispose method, call it as soon as you are done with the object.”

2.WARNING: Do not write code like this or your hair may fall out, your peers will likely laugh at you, and your code will certainly be suboptimal.


You could also have used simply:

3.Note: you will need to make sure that you build a release optimized version of your assembly (i.e. without debug settings). When the runtime encounters a debug assembly, it intentionally prolongs the lifetime of managed objects through the entire scope of a method call to ease debugging. As a result, the runtime keeps the file open through the entire method, and won’t free it up after it’s last use.

Ajax – Redfines Web Xperience

Hopefully I may use this technology in my Masters Project!!! Read more to know abt this technology!
Take a look at Google Suggest. Watch the way the suggested terms update as you type, almost instantly. Now look at Google Maps. Zoom in. Use your cursor to grab the map and scroll around a bit. Again, everything happens almost instantly, with no waiting for pages to reload.

Google Suggest and Google Maps are two examples of a new approach to web applications that we at Adaptive Path have been calling Ajax. The name is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript + XML, and it represents a fundamental shift in what’s possible on the Web.

Herez the LINK !

Microsoft, Linux neck-and-neck

I do support Linux, but not just blindly and not just to be anti-microsoft. I know 80% of the guys who boast abt Linux do so just to be anti-microsoft(amusing fact is that they use windows).
Its proven that windows server 2003 is really v.good and in-par with linux servers.

Heres another news, related to it:
Most U.S. businesses say there is very little difference between the cost of maintaining a Windows versus a Linux-based corporate computing environment, according to a new Yankee Group